Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Oh Bama, You're Just Too Much...

Yes, I'm still mad giddy over him. I love this man! Obama, of course, is the shit. I was sort of surprised at myself when I went to upload another post and discovered no info on my man. Now, I'm not one to get overwhelmingly involved in politics, but homeboy has made me get up and pay attention. Recently, he's overturned so much bullshit that Bush enacted, including enviromental legislation (firing CEOs, pushing the GM merger with Fiat for the production of enviro friendly cars, firing old EPA directors etc.), healthcare reform (I'm still getting emails from tha boy Mitch Stewart and his ceaseless campaigning to call legislators and push for healthcare stimulus package), and finally, shutting down this fear tactic, Guantanamo Bay, media jargon that began in a fearful, early 19th c. America in order to generate profits and spending on behalf of Central Banks and coorporations. Needless to say, Obama's had a lot to deal with. A shit ton of bricks is what he inherited, not to mention, the ever-crumbling economy. I can't help to think that maybe he won't be able to fix all this. What if he fails? But after so many questions, and so much MSNBC and CNN watching, I resolve myself and relax. The fact is, I don't want him to fail for numerous reasons (chiefly, because I want another minority president and I don't want white folks using the excuse that Obama didn't fix shit although shit was already suprememly fucked up when he got the job). But the reality remains that he has so much to do in so little time that even if he continues on the overturning path he's on now, the results of his tutelage might not be recognized in many years, and, I think people (conservative media) will say, that my main man FAILED! I just don't think that's right. I mean, of course it ain't right. I'm gonna continue to stick by him, however, regardless of the haters out there. I say to them, you just mad cuz a black man's the ruler of the world. It's about fucking time.