Friday, June 4, 2010

There Is No More White Culture

So I was sitting in my room today thinking about my love of exploration and different cultures when my freshman Intro to Anthropology course popped in my mind. Franz Boas immediately was the first person I thought of, and I thought of my anthropology professor speaking, passionately, about the different cultures of the world. I remember how enthusiastic she was about his exploration in Alaska and the remote "tribes" he "discovered" (kinda like Christopher Colombus discovered the Native Americans) and how groundbreaking that was. Then I think of the Nuer tribe, who were "undisovered" by Europeans until the late 1940s and whose civilization was so diverse and progressive, that they had to questions it's validity by brutally "studying" their culture until the Nuer tribe was forced to disband and abandon their traditions. In the midst of my aimless pondering, I had to question our new cultural indenties. The coming of the internet not only made it easier to pay bills and chat online, it also created a much more integrated global society where video chat and Facebook puts one in the same environment as a mate thousands of miles away. I think about my Italian and Portuguese friends, whom I met overseas, and how easy it is for me to communicate with them on my computer. No more letters or phone cards to call internationally. All I have to do is login to Gmail or Facebook or Skype or iChat and they're there, in front of me, thousands of miles away. I can absorb their culture, their environment, their frame or reference or, more simply, their mood at the moment due to technology shrinking the atmopshere of communication and thus meshing the idea of "culture".
I can't help to wonder if the idea of "culture" is fading with the larger ideologies of pop culture, the internet, and fashion trends that represent progress and "democracy". Then I think of Arizona and their recent decision to make it legal to ID someone who looks foreign, or Mexican. I can't understand it, not only because I'm on the side of the Mexicans returning to a land that they possessed long ago (if there were Native Americans, I'd say the same) or that I'm a patriot, but rather the culture of the immigrants will, almost surely, mesh with the dominant culture of entertainment. It's not like these Mexican immigrants are stealing jobs (cause there are none) or that they're gonna negatively influence "American" culture (cause you can find E!, Cosmo or MTV in any country). It's really that they're gonna brown the country. So I guess I'm saying to all the tea baggers, self righteous American patriots to get a clue. That white boy shit is dead.

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