Monday, March 23, 2009

In This World, We Need To Wake Up

Will the times ever get any better in this world? I hate to sound Bono-ish, but seriously, will the times ever get any better? Financially, we are broken down and riddled with crises that our government, working on behalf of corporations, have created. I watch documentaries like "Zeitgeist", where a very apt filmmaker elaborates on the links between Hitler and the Bush Family (Hitler and Prescott Bush, W.'s grandfather, shared some company ties). I am saddened by the monopolization of media outlets (Rupert Murdoch, William Buffets and Time Warner's). The same corporation who owns Fox News owns The New York Post. I am flabbergasted by the number of people to lose their jobs and by the rate at which food pantries in suburban neighborhoods cannot support all the people in need. The foreclosed homes that have turned places like Flint, Michigan and parts of Detroit into ghost towns. In Nevada, there are so many foreclosed homes that mountain lions have taken whole neighborhoods, living in once plush, gated communities overrun now with weeds and vines. And health care, our poor, sick people suffering either overcome with medical bills or slowly decaying out of fear of the mountain of medical bills they'll acquire once they visit the emergency room.
I am disgusted at length with the despicable avarice of the Bush administration and those previous administrations that have sucked the resources out of taxpayers and the natural resources of the world. Of course, there are a multitude of factors that led to our present situation but, personally, I believe that corporations are the sole reason for our suffering. In 1954, Eisenhower warned of the danger of corporations being treated as people. He warned of the greed that grasps individuals in power, especially as their power pertains to the government. Andrew Jackson warned of the central bank, or Federal Reserve, that creates money literally out of nowhere and who, by creating this money as debt, increase incrementally the debt of the average American. How can this be? How have we been so bamboozled into thinking that charming, gun-slinging presidents cannot possibly lead their country into an abyss of suffocating "I owe yous". I'm pissed off, I'll tell you that much. I'm pissed at the people who blindly voted for incompetent assholes in office whose sole focus is material gain through embezzlement la bled bonuses. I'm pissed off at our media who refuses to highlight the dangers of corporations because they, themselves, are part of the very framework responsible for the crisis. Finally, I'm pissed myself and others for failing to get pissed the fuck off sooner, and take to the streets in protest. What did our parents fight for? And I'm speaking to everyone when I say that. My parents witnessed/participated in those revolutionary events of the 50s, 60s, and 70s. I don't care if you're not black, your parents were subjected/witnessed to some form of revolution. The Sandinista guerrillas in Nicaragua, the revolution in Panama over the criminal construction of the canal, Che Guevara and nationalism. In West Africa, there was revolution and fights for independence in almost every country. Even in Asia there were Chinese demanding freedom of speech in Tienanmen Square. Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis, Siberians, Mongolians even the aboriginal tribes in New Zealand had their revolutions. So what did our parents NOT relay to our generation with respect to individual rights and the government across the world? When did we lose our zeal? When did we cease to be angry and agree to be complacent? Like a bobble head on a dashboard? You know it's bad when even the Frenchies become super-conservative (remember the xenophobic tactics of Sarkozy?)
I want people to get mad. Get angry and then get involved. Write your legislatures, put pressure on lobby groups. Attain some power by hosting fundraisers to support your local food bank. Then write your mayor explaining your disappointment with his dealing with the homeless population. Just do something. It's the only way we can ensure that our government works for us and not the other way around. And, in case you were wondering, I have done most of the above to make people aware of their condition and what they can do about it. I try to practice what I preach (sometimes).

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